Carpet Cleaning Methods

Rug and carpet cleaning should be followed by each one. One should visit professional cleaners once in a year for proper and deep cleaning of the rugs, carpets. Given below are various methods of cleaning carpets.

Cleaning Methods For Carpets

To make our house look more attractive & beautiful many of us use carpets and rugs to enhance beauty. But along with beauty, we have to take the responsibility to make them clean as well Cleaning is an essential thing towards a healthy life. Carpets and rugs require extra attention to cleaning because they contain dust and microbes. Rug and carpet cleaning should be followed by each one. One should visit professional cleaners once in a year for proper and deep cleaning of the rugs, carpets. Given below are various methods of cleaning carpets.

Steam Carpet Cleaning

The most convenient method of cleaning carpets is steam carpet cleaning in this method steam cleaner processes steam on the carpet to loosen the dirt and cleans carpet easily then make sure to perfectly vacuum the carpet.

Shampoo Or Detergent

The common and budget-friendly method of cleaning carpet is shampooing and detergent cleaning, for this method all you require is good carpet shampoo/detergent and brush. The cleaning solution is applied on carpet and then dirt and debris are removed with brush easily then make sure to perfectly vacuum the carpet.

Hot Water Extraction

The finest method of cleaning carpets is hot water extraction cleaning in which pressured hot water with cleaning solution is drained on carpets through which 90% of dirt and bacteria is removed from carpets then make sure to perfectly vacuum the carpet.

Dry Carpet Cleaning

In the dry carpet cleaning method powder or compound is spread-out on carpet with the usage of counter rotating brush machine to open up carpet fibre and results deep carpet cleaning after settling down the compound inside carpet then make sure to perfectly vacuum the carpet.



. Environment is being refreshed.

. Detergents used in cleaning can be very harmful to children’s health.

. Can take fresh breathe as pollutants are removed from the carpet.

. Moulds can be produced in it if carpet is not dried out properly.

. Steam cleaning is enough to remove 90% of bacteria.

. As carpets cover the whole floor so it’s cleaning will take time. 

. Dry cleaning also helps.  It requires a small amount of mild detergent.

. Carpets takes longer time get dry i-e 12-24 hours.

General Guideline

  • Gather required things for cleaning rug ( shampoo/detergent, brush or sponge, water )
  • Vacuum the carpet throughout both sides
  • Don’t use carpet detergent or shampoo excessively
  • Use accordingly to instructions
  • Do a color test
  • Clean with carpet shampoo or detergent
  • Risen the carpet shampoo or detergent
  • Wipe out the water as possible
  • Let carpet dry out fully
  • Never walk on wet carpet it damages fiber
  • Always vacuum or brush the carpet after any cleaning process
  • Never pull loosen thread better to cut off
  • Folding a carpet can damage the backside better to roll it up
  • Regular vacuuming of the carpet

Cleaning Methods of Rug

Clean the rug with a vacuum cleaner if you got at home. Take a mild shampoo or detergent add it in water and spray over your rug. Washing with a soft brush will be good.  Rinse your rug. Mild detergents will not cause any harm to the colour of your favourite rug.  They will not destroy the fibre of your rugs.

General Guideline

  • Gather required things for cleaning rug ( shampoo/detergent, brush or sponge, water)
  • Don’t use rug detergent or shampoo excessively
  • Folding a rug can damage the backside better to roll it up
  • Never pull loosen thread better to cut off
  • Use accordingly to instructions
  • Vacuum the rug throughout both sides
  • Clean with rug shampoo or detergent
  • Always vacuum or brush the rug after any cleaning process
  • Risen the rug shampoo or detergent
  • Wipe out the water as possible
  • Let rug dry out fully
  • Never walk on wet rug it damages fiber



. Remove all the debris from the rug.

. Deep cleaning cannot be done at home.

. Proper cleaning makes the environment fresh and rug gives the good fresh look.

. As a result dirt and other particles accumulate in deep layers of the rug.

. Correct washing and cleaning will not make your rug to lose its shine.

. If your rug is not properly dried out the damp and water in its surface will be favourable for the moulds and other germs to grow on the surface of rug.

. High temperature or excess over boiled water cleaning can destroy the prints, embroidery of your beautiful rug.

. Fibre of the rug will be severely damaged and destroyed on using harsh substances for cleaning purposes.

Cleaning Methods of Upholstery

When it comes for upholstery cleaning we really need to be careful about it because it is   the most decorative and beautiful thing in our homes. We must keep in mind about the care of its spring, padding, fabric covers its webbing.



. Upholstery will look fresh.

. Improper use of upholstery brushes can damage the fabric and pull out the threads.

. Stains will be removed.

. Harsh detergents will leave strong chemical smell and will cause damage to fabric.

. Cleaning once in a season is sufficed and removes the dirt.

. Most likely fabric shrinkage can occur.

. Cleaning with market chemicals will be helpful.

. Excess wetting will prolong its drying.

General Guideline

  • Always keep in mind that you have to be gentle with the cleaning as compare to carpets and rugs
  • Either go foam cleaning with club soda or baking soda
  • Apply baking soda and water solution on stain, its best for cleaning fabric stains
  • Use the damp cloth
  • Rub the baking soda mixture on stain and then wipeout with damp cloth
  • Or apply chemical cleaning
  • Use the mild shampoo or detergent with a soft brush
  • Cleanout only with dry cleaning solvent
  • Do not use water
  • Select the brush with soft bristles, it will not cause harm to design and embroidery
  • Do not rush in cleaning. Be gentle
  • It is better to seek professional help and cleaning of upholstery
  • Use vacuum for cleaning or brushing